Dr Giorgia Ciampi Tsolaki


Dr. Giorgia Ciampi Tsolaki is a theatre practitioner and researcher, based in the UK and France. She is co-founder, dramaturg and actor of the Intercultural Performing Arts Company (IPAC) as well as actor of Compagnie Canopée (Paris, 2015-). She holds an AHRC funded post-doc (2023) and PhD (2022) from the University of Exeter, where she currently teaches. Her doctoral thesis explores alternative approaches to the actor’s affective embodiment in cross-/inter-cultural theatre training and performance. This research is partly presented in her forthcoming article, co-written with Prof. Colombetti: Enacting affectivity: the psychophysical training of śṛṅgāra in Gopal Venu’s Navarasa Sādhanā. Her post-doc focused on actor training and wellbeing both through the regular psychophysical training classes she holds and through her forthcoming book chapter Care-full embodiment in Zarrilli's psychophysical training. Prior to this she trained as an actor at the Intercultural Theatre Institute of Singapore (2012-2014) and trained with Phillip Zarrilli at the University of Exeter (2009-2011), where she obtained her MA in directing and actor training.

Recent accomplishments:

Asian Intercultural Conference 2023

UEN Charity/CPE No: 200818680E | CPE Registration Period: 13 Jul 2020 to 12 Jul 2024

Intercultural Theatre Institute Ltd is supported by the National Arts Council for the period from 1 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2024